We are committed to find cost-efficient and well-balanced solutions.
We work on the basis of hourly fees (billed by 6-minute intervals) which are fixed as follows:
- in line with the recommendations of the Ordre des avocats vaudois (for cases dealt with by our Swiss office);
- on the basis of the German Lawyers’ Fees Law (RVG) (for cases dealt with by our German office, if applicable).
Also, in some cases, we agree on a flat rate (without consideration given to the time spent).
In addition to attorney fees, clients are requested to reimburse the expenses related to their case, including court and administrative fees, postal charges, telephone, telefax, photocopies, travel costs, etc.
VAT (8% in Switzerland; 19% in Germany) is invoiced where applicable. Our clients from abroad may benefit from VAT exemption.
We work on the basis of retainers (payments in advance) and issue intermediary invoices at regular intervals. In case of non-payment of the retainer, the file may be put on hold.
We believe that our clients should be informed from the outset of the possible costs involved. However, we raise awareness to the fact that, often, it is difficult or impossible to estimate the precise final costs due to unknown factors such as the adversary’s attitude and moves, specific court or administrative requirements, etc., which may have a considerable bearing on the time spent on a file as well as on expenses.
Depending on the personal situation of our clients, we help secure legal insurance benefits.
If the conditions are fulfilled, we also provide services on the basis of legal aid and help in submitting a request to that effect to the competent authorities.
We are at our client’s disposal to discuss financial matters with them personally.